Widening Soundstage

Question for the Audiophile Experts

How do I go about widening my soundstage without moving my speakers further apart
I like the imaging i'm getting but want a bit more air in the music
Any ideas how to proceed
Check out my systems page for details on positioning and equipment
Put some casters on your chair and pull it up for near-field listening. Push it back when you're done to allow ingress/egress.

In general it looks like your listening position is to close to the back wall. Move everything forward.

Try a slight outward speaker toeing.

Good luck and let us know what works!
Humor me: Try sitting up a little higher. It looks like your chair is a little low in relation to the tweeters. If sitting on a pillow works, shorter speaker stands may help?

I’d say try some other power cables. Following that or previous to it I’d say just roll some more tubes. The dodds are a bit forward sounding, geographically speaking, that is.

Playing with some other footer or amp stands for them may help out too or under the preamp and/or source itself.

My speakers sit off the short wall in my approz. 14 x 20 x 8.3 room… My sound stage extends beyond the wall behind the speakers, past the side walls and encroaches upon the LP, with the sound resting near to the sides of my chair.

As mapman said too, this is with well done CDs.

The Shunyata Taipa Helix Alphas add width and height while maintaining cohesion … the Elrod adds depth, and as well as the Voodoo Tesla II.

Personally for pure spaciousness without making wholesale changes I’d try some power cables first… They seem to set the stage for other system changes by allowing the sound field to grow vertically & laterally, and/or to deepen providing more rear of stage info and ambient retrieval…. And I say this is true regardless the components they are attached to as I’ve had these cables for some time now with different components

The Python A & later still, the Python helix A will, all by itself, gain you a quite expansive SS while still remaining coherent and intuitve… the helix version gives more refinement to the bandwidth and far, far greater rear of stage (depth) info. Place it on your source or as supply to the Dodds. The Elrod Sig III is best only supplying the amps or the power cond itself as it likes to pass more current better.

The sound Anchor stands I got for my Dodds just added focus or localization of the imaging, as did the tube rings I put on the 3 little tubes.

You put an Elrod Sig III on the supply to the amps and your stage will gain a lot of air right there. Add a Python A or Helix A and you’ll gain still more landscape… walls, not withstanding.

If you can get Telefunken tubes in your pre they’ll gain you goodly amounts of that spacious effect you seek as well.

Good luck.
I'm not an expert! Your proportions appear to be similar to what Wilson recommends 1 ( dis. apart) to 1.1 - 1.25( dis to chair). Point the speakers at a point aprox 2'-6' behind your head as a starting place then change toe in/out to see which works best. When your close break out the level and string to make sure the tweeters are the same distance away, this is make or break for SS. Put the string from your nose to one then the other speaker (an inside or outside corner of the box which is easily duplicated on the opposite side. Use the level to make sure the tweeters are firing at points of equal heights. I would try without panel in front of TV to start. You may have already done these things but I thought it's worth a mention.