Widening Soundstage

Question for the Audiophile Experts

How do I go about widening my soundstage without moving my speakers further apart
I like the imaging i'm getting but want a bit more air in the music
Any ideas how to proceed
Check out my systems page for details on positioning and equipment
I'm not an expert! Your proportions appear to be similar to what Wilson recommends 1 ( dis. apart) to 1.1 - 1.25( dis to chair). Point the speakers at a point aprox 2'-6' behind your head as a starting place then change toe in/out to see which works best. When your close break out the level and string to make sure the tweeters are the same distance away, this is make or break for SS. Put the string from your nose to one then the other speaker (an inside or outside corner of the box which is easily duplicated on the opposite side. Use the level to make sure the tweeters are firing at points of equal heights. I would try without panel in front of TV to start. You may have already done these things but I thought it's worth a mention.
I forgot, try changing rake by shimming rear of stands,I'm trying this with a 1/4" shim,the jury's still out. Seconding Elvick's observation.
change the toe angle so the speakers are pointing more straight ahead and you will improve the width. quick and simple fix.

thanks b
I want to give you another option: Rather than just the typical speaker repositioning or adding absorption center image between your speakers, you can try an electronic solution...

What I enjoy is connecting the left and right channel cathodes of a gain stage together with a capacitor. This has the effect of canceling the mono image, and expanding the stereo image. Attention to the capacitor value will allow choice of the cancellation corner frequency. Typically only a small value capacitor is needed. This may even give the perception of 'tightening-up' bass response.
Sorry Musicfile, I should have paid more attention. Guess I was ogling those Sason's a bit too much to read further :)

That being said I agree with Bobby P. Even though the manufacturer of my speakers recommends significant toe-in (45 degrees) so the signal crosses about 2' in front of the listener, I don't have the space to do that. If you look at my system you will see I have positioned my speakers so there is no toe-in and this did indeed widen sound stage.