Vandersteen 5a or Krell Lat-1's

What do you perfer???????
After one day of listening I would never go to Vandies now. I bought the LAT-1's and never heard them. They are a world class contender for all out assult. Fineally a speaker that sounds great with cast cables. Vandies not even in the same league.
Vandersteen 5A all the way Krell isnt a real p;ayer in speakers, and they cant put there hands in too many things and hope they all are as good as can be. Krell makes amps, pre-amps, integrated amps, speakers, movie processors, disc players and even Ipod docks. Call me crazy but i want a company to make one thing right and not try to be "minisony".
I thought the same thing until I went on a whim. Dan knows what he is doing. If you have Krell it is very good. Vandersteen is a great speaker. Just the LAT-1 is much better speaker. I have world class front end so that probably helps somewhat. Believe me. I was a very big fan of the 5a's. I am a music lover (pure). The Vandies will never come close to the tonal qualities of the LAT.
>>The Vandies will never come close to the tonal qualities of the LAT.<<

You forgot "IMO".

There are no absolutes.