Vandersteen 5a or Krell Lat-1's

What do you perfer???????
>>The Vandies will never come close to the tonal qualities of the LAT.<<

You forgot "IMO".

There are no absolutes.
..just a suggestion for Vandy 5A owners. I have switched out the stock power cords for Accrolink/Oyeida 046 cords. The increase in open-ness, and definition throughout the frequency spectrum (yes, the mids and highs too) can not be believed. The IEC connector into the Vandy amps still has to be a stock plug because the fins will not let the Oyeida or other large plugs be fully inserted. The change is definitely a very large improvement. When I told Richard, he seemed to be underwhelmed by the information, however, I think it is very worthwhile.
Thanks everyone for your input. They are both very nice speakers. I am happy to be able to afford and be able to choose between the two.