Preamp tubes... Psvane or Genelex?

I have a Belles VT-01 preamp that uses 4 12AU7 tubes. I was looking for a tube that will last a long time and have good dynamics. Since they can't be returned, "buy and try" does not work with this, so I am polling the audience. Any opinions are appreciated... thanks.
Give Kevin Deal of Upscale Audio a call. I've bought quite a few tubes from him and have always been quite happy. Here's his 12au7 page:
Of the 2 brands you mention I would go with the Genelex Gold Lion 12AU7 reissue tubes. Just on the support alone and the vast availability from reliable vendors. I'd get them from Jim McShane. He does very in depth testing of the tubes he sells and is well versed in the reissue tubes. I use the Genelex Gold Lion 12AX7s from Upscale Audio and they are awesome in my Jolida amp.
I'm a big fan of the Psvane tubes myself. But they have a more modern tube sound. For better for worse. Really a matter of preference IMO. Looking for a more tubey sound, or a tube with more extended highs and bass and less midrange warmth?