coincident speakers do you have troubadors

Finally buying a pair of coincident troubadors but am looking for anyone who has them and also troubass. If you have or have had I have a few questions as I can't seem to find anyone selling troubass so looking for suggestions on something that will complete the sound of the troubadors as well or better than troubass speakers. Thanks for your help
I've only had a wonderful experience in my dealings with Coincident and Israel. He has never failed to respond to my emails,and in short order,He even helped me out with his knowledge in the purchase of some used equipement, with no benefit to himself.Way above and beyond, for which I'll always be thankful.
Israel Blume, "I have a folder which contains every email sent to me within the last 3 years with my replies to them. There is not a single one that did not receive a timely response to an inquiry."

Based on Horsnit not getting a reply to his Troubass inquiry, the streak of EVERY single e-mail being replied to has been broken. Darn, I hate when that happens!
I would like his email address and the date it was written. If I received it, it was replied to.

Your glib final sentence is uncalled for.

Israel Blume
Israel Blume, "Your glib final sentence is uncalled for."

If you look up the definition of "uncalled for" in the dictionary, you'll find the entry references using my name and opinion in the advertising on your website without my permisssion. I'm formally asking you here and now to remove it.
Well what have you done to get his attention?

I agree with your view on his products have Troubadours and would love to have Trubass but do you think he cares?

Doubtfull, and its a shame because he should. The early sales of his speakers is what brought him his claim to fame