AudioEngine 2 vs AudioEngine5?

Greetings everyone,
Based on feedback from an audiophile family member and strong reviews, I am considering picking up a pair of AudioEngine powered monitors for my desktop.

Any thoughts on the AE2 vs the AE5? Have Audiogon folks been happy w/ AE2's on their desktop... or do most go for the AE5's?

Ag insider logo xs@2xheadshrinker2
I've had a pair of AE2's for a year now and really like em. Decent bass and sound, in general, for a desktop speaker.
Just picked up a pair of the AE2s from here for a good price. They are fantastic for a desktop setup.
Headshrinker I have AE2's on my desktop, but that is only because I don't have space for the AE5's. I don't think they are quite the marvel that Stereophile thinks they are, even on stands. But they are head and shoulders above any computer speaker at the same price.

If I had more space on my desktop, I would get the AE5's. The AE2's suffer from dynamic compression at louder volumes. The AE5's have a more relaxed, effortless sound and better dynamics.

Neither speaker is good for music though - i'll listen to a bit of music through them but if I really wanted to listen to music i'll plug my headphones in.