which speaker cables to buy?

I have PSB I65's and need advice on which cables to run. They will need to be about 10-12 feet. Would like some good quality wires but do not want to spend alot if the sound would not benefit greatly. I do not have any idea what speaker cable cost per quality so I do not have a price in mind that I need to spend. Please give advice.

In trying to set a budget for speakers cables I would say no more that 10% of the combined price of your speakers and amp. Basically if your amp is worth a $1000, speakers worth $1000, that's $2000 ....... so 10% would give you a $200 budget for speakers cables. Which is from a price/performance perspective is were you want to be. If you spend much more you would be better off upgrading either amp or speakers. Not knowing what components you have it's hard to make a suggestion of "just what" cables would be best. Myself I've had good results with Audioquest (I have the AQ CV6 w/DBS that I pick up for $100 used) and really haven't felt the need to "experiment" with other speaker cables. Now if I was doing it all over again, I would probably go with speaker cables made by companies such Signal Cable and Blue Jean Cables has their products seem well made, affordable, and work quite well and as such have gotten a good reputation in the audio community. While I certainly agree that good cables make a difference on how well one's system sounds, I also believe you should spend as little a possible to get desired sonic results. Unfortunately when dealing in the "World of Wires" it's very easy to go overboard and spend much more than necessary.
If you're a person of modest income like myself who prioritizes family needs and buying quality healthy foods, I'd just buy cables from sellers like Blue Jean Cables (and the other sellers out there that sell decent, quality cables sans the bluster).
Concurring with Byegolly, I have found Blue Jeans interconnects to be a great value, well constructed with good neutral performance. I do have not tried their speaker cable.