Good Bookshelf Speakers for a Hearing Loss?

I have a hearing loss where I have less ability to hear high frequency sounds. But my hearing also lacks the normal filtering ability that allows one with good hearing to screen out the harsh or sharp sounds. I find this especially true in jazz. I find many speakers that have precise highs, e.g. B&W 685, too sharp for me after a few minutes of listening. I note on many forums (not Audiogon) that some posters complain about harsh or bright speakers that are really pretty good speakers. While my hifi vocabulary may not be accurate, this perhaps partly explains why some people like speakers that are not precise, defined or neutral and instead like "warm" speakers. So I suppose I am looking for a warm speaker. Any suggestions for new or used bookshelf speakers under $1200? 70% music, 30% HT. Thanks!
I agree with Tgrisham on fabric vs metal tweeters .
But , I feel that speakers are only part of the fix for your problem . The source and amplification can go a long way to giving you what you seek .

Given that , there are a pair of Soliloquy 5.0's listed here for $399 that would give you a nice start . I have owned a pair of their floorstanders and they did help quite a bit , very warm . The only problem is that the company is out of buisness ! Still , for that price it is a very worthwhile speaker to try .

Good luck .
Wow, what a great forum. Not just great responses but some solidarity as well. Thank you! BTW, I worked in a lumber yard as a youth, so the Stihl chainsaw was my bane as well.

A couple more complicating items. I am new to this (after 30 years of being one of the stereophiles on my dorm floor). I just bought a Denon 1909 receiver (90 X 7 stated). I would have bought a high end amp if I knew all this, but I am going to start with this receiver. That means 4 ohm and power hungry speakers are out (e.g. Dynaudio, I think).

Also, I am starting a system, so while those Soliliquys and KEFs look like great suggestions, I think I should get a brand with more flexibilty to add on to. Also, my newly built stereo stand has room for a 13.4 bookshelf but no horizontal center speaker. The Quads 12Ls sound perfect - 6 ohm, non metal tweeter, and an 11L could fit in the speaker stand. I realize that a non matching center is not perfect but I am thinking that such a close match should be fine for HT.

Finally, another question. It seems in my brief listening that bookshelf speakers sound better than towers. Why? It seems that the larger base drivers in the same unit block the highs and midrange for me (I hear base well, too well in some situations). It would seem the logical solution is bookshelf units with a good sub, no?
A friend and very devoted audiophile lost hearing in one ear altogether and is poor in the other. He lives in Europe and has recieved care from specialists who have brought his hearing back to decent levels. During the time when it was real bad he used headphones with dedicated headphone amps. His was less frequency specific.
You might be surprised with modern headphone rigs they are better than good in many cases. I bought an OTL head amp from Singlepower with 6080 output tubes. It is incredible. My headpphones are AKG 701s which are marked down now due to a model change. You may want to try it.
My speaker recommendation echoes others I use Von Schweickerts and they don't cause fatigue if you get the VR2 which is the smallest floorstander. I think the English manufacturers are generally too warm one exception is KEF which may give you definition and warmth. I would think Dyne audio would be good if you can get a pair using their better tweeters. You won't get Esotars for that figure but Esotecs might squeeze in. For that same reason see if you can find the Morel speakers near you, they make great tweeters in the same style.

Add me to the list of those who suffer from hearing loss and that high frequency seems to make matter worse. I'm also in agreement with Tgrisham about staying away from metal tweeters. I think you're going down the right road with the Quad 12 and 11Ls. Heard them myself with a tube Jolida integrated, very nice. Another brand you might want to listen to at some point, is Spendor. IMHO, if you like the Quads, Spendor is the step up.
For what its worth my experience up until recently has been that most non fatiguing speakers have sounded rather "constipated". That is until I tried a pair of ATC SCM 12's. How they manage to be warmish and non fatiguing yet still offer up so much detail and micro dynamics is beyond me. They do like quality amps (may be not as much power as some say they do, I am using a 100 Watt McCormack amp in a 13 by 12 room and have plenty of power). I also like Dynaudio's but felt the focus 140 tweeter was not as delicately layered as the one on the older contour line or the recently discontinued audience line. Good luck.