Would you pay to audition speakers

A dealer told me that he will let people audition 1 pair of speakers for free. If you want to hear multiply speakers
he charges 500.00. If you buy a pair of speakers he will credit you back the 500.00. He says he does this so people don't waste his time. He says If someone is serious about purchasing speakers they won't have a problem with the 500.00 deposit. I'm Interested in knowing how the Audiogon community feels about this.
Most so called "audiophile" speakers sound so horrible that you would have to pay me $500.00 to audition them.
A policy like that would be enough to push me out the door, on principle alone. Who'd want to do business with such a person.."wasting his time" - isn't his JOB to market and "show" speakers!?

And what is he so busy doing that customers are a problem for him?

You gotta love someone who is on the "customer service" (related) industry, but hates people....

If he is in such economic trouble (or so fed up with looky loos) that he is
charging $500 to audition speakers, then his door will soon have a sign that
reads, "Going Out of Business".
I think he just said that cause you have been wasting his time and it was his subtle way of giving you the arm.Many paths to salvation they say.YMMV,Bob