Wilson's new speaker the Sasha is coming.

THere is a teaser on their website. Looks beautiful if you can make out the images. I think it is a step up from the WP generation. Maybe a replacement.
Great looking speaker, can't wait to hear it.

The Magico V3? Please, don't mention that piece of overpriced garbage in the same sentence as Wilson. Talk about the Emperor's New Clothes. I feel sorry for the suckers that blew $25K and having to justify to themselves that there are some "intangible" qualities that to the V3 that justifies the price. Wilson Audio is the real deal.
I think Dgad has it right. Look for the Sasha to come in at around $45K-48K. It's all about where Wilson's market is at and what his customers are willing to pay.
Dylanhenry,,are you a Wilson dealer???There are alot out there that totally disgaree with your remarks including myself..Chill out
Their marketing is not for music lovers, it's for rich boys who like to buy expensive toys.. Silly women's names.. "I had Sophia last year, but now I have Sasha!"

I'm going to start a speaker company, my first model will be called "Steve".
the steve...the little steve....the big steve....the old steve....the new steve......break out the automotive paint Queg, i think you've just come up with the next big thing in loudspeaker marketing.