Wilson's new speaker the Sasha is coming.

THere is a teaser on their website. Looks beautiful if you can make out the images. I think it is a step up from the WP generation. Maybe a replacement.
There are compromises w. both designs. Magies have their limits as well. Need tons of current, and can't play loud. Need perfect symmetry for setup etc etc. Wilsons are a little more flexible. No question the Maggies give you something special. If we could only get it all in one package. Sweet spot size also has some issues in many planar/electrostatic designs.
Maggies are great. Love the realism and sound staging. The basic issue I have with with most speakers (I haven't heard everyone) is that what loudness level they do have to reach before sounding very natural. I have found that Maggies have to be play at fairly loud level. WAF becomes an issue. Once there, they are amongst the very best available. On the other hand, Quads sound very natural at low levels and IMHO don't sound so good at really high loudness levels or on big complex recordings. Generalizing, I find most other speakers falling between those two points. I love electrostatics first, but can't live with them as my only speakers. So I selected owning Wilson's 8's, high WAF, and sound very good at reasonable sound levels. Maybe the Sasha solves my sound level vs. natural problem, but then I can't afford them. Are they overpriced? I'm they guy who bought W/P 8's? What's over priced?

BTW: Sasha's look good.
I must perhaps apologize for my enthusiasm, but to the contrary of what some may have experienced with a speaker such as my MG3.6R's, I have found them to be thee easiest speaker to enjoy! It may be with more than just a modicum of luck that I am having a unique experience with my Maggies, but they have been thee easiest speaker for me to position, power and enjoy. Dynamics bloom so freely and quickly that one can completely be immersed in the music at relatively low levels. On the other hand, I played Mahlers Symphony No. 1 and Shostakovich's No. 4 at concert level with absolutely no strain or protest of any kind from the Maggies. In some setups the Magneplanars may exhibit certain percieved limitations to some degree or another...it has definately not been my experience however. That said, I can fully understand the desire for some listeners to fill larger spaces with higher SPL's for that "ear covering effect" one can usually only get in the club setting. In fact, I considered myself one of them type listeners, if only on occasion. Since the MG3.6R's have blessed my home, I have sat transfixed so easliy with full satisfaction at relatively more modest levels of playback. I have always cursed the fact that it seemed necessary to play music excessively loud to become satisfied with the sound. In other words, the excessive capabilities of say a Wilson design is over compensation for the fact that they do not have the effortless dynamic expression at low volume levels as do the Maggies. Simply put, listening through the Maggies connects me with the naked soul of each and every recording I play through them...they truly re-create music on such an exhalted level and in such a refined and natural manner that anything else seems artificial IMHO:O )
Box, stats (CLS), box, planar (MG3a), planar (Diva), box, box, stats (Prodigy), planar (MG20.1), box, box..

Having lived with the MG20.1 (3yrs) prior to my latest two boxes, I must say that they are great speakers, but like all others, have their inherent limitations. A change is sometime a good thing but does not necessarily means an improvement. It 'evolves' with one's ideal, taste and priorities of sound reproductions.

Thus, more meaningful here would be if mentioned or competing speakers have actually been compared to the Sasha.
here you can see the Sacha, just put 3 w before the first dot
