Quad 12L2 or 21L2: Detail vs. Fullness?

I posted a question about warm monitors for a hearing loss and due to all the great help here, I have narrowed my search down to the Quad 12L2 or 21L2, Dynaudio 52, Spendor 3/5 or possibly Vandersteen 2. I included the Quad floorstander because there are deals here on Audiogon but I have not heard it. I have found with some floorstanders that the the fuller bass seems to muffle the highs at even medium volumes. (This may be true for me specifically because of my hearing loss.) Does the 21L2 lose some of the detail I heard on the 12L2? I would also be interested in general comments on floorstanders vs. monitors on this subject. Thanks!
I thought the Quad 12L monitors to sound a bit thin compared to the floorstanders. I liked the 21L the best (better than 22L also), more full range natural and balanced at least in the larger room where I heard them. In a small room, I might prefer the monitors and maybe add a separate sub if needed.

Note these are 12Ls I heard FWIW. I have not heard 12L2s and cannot compare those.

I tend to prefer monitors in general over floor-standers in most average sized rooms where you will listen from more of a near field postion. I tend to not like floor-standers in smaller rooms from a nearfield listening position when there is greater physical separation between drivers in that I think this negatively impacts imaging and phase coherency whereas closer proximity of drivers (approximating a point or line source as is typically the case more with monitors) enhances imaging and coherency in many rooms.

If you go with monitors though, plan to invest in a pair of decent speaker stands also.

For monitors, there are other lines and models I would chose over Quad 12L, but I believe they may also cost more. Dynaudio and Totem are two. Totem Arro is a very good choice for a wide range small-footprint floor stander that will work well in most any normal size room (with sufficient amplification).
Thanks for the detailed response. The Totems sound like a great choice but I need a small bookshelf to act as a center for dialogue from films. The Dynaudio 62s were one of those floorstanders that seem a bit muffled (compared to the 42s). I think the Contours are out of my price range.

BTW, my living/listening room is medium large - about 13 feet by 22 feet and there is a 7 foot opening at the side that leads to a 12 by 13 dining room.
hi. i just built a system using totem dreamcatchers. so far they are excellent at imaging and the highs are crisp but not harsh. midrange is smooth, tonally accurate, but maybe a hair thin, and i mean a hair. i am powering them with a jaton operetta @ 140 watts per channel. the center speaker on some recordings has a hint of boxiness(compared to my last center, an OM-C2 by mirage) but the LR mains are perfect on all recordings. however i do not yet have the center isolated from vibration. i would absolutely recommend and rate them as excellent speakers in their price range. for refernce i auditioned the highly acclaimed b&w 685's but these have more life to them in every respect imho.