Modern twist on 70's speaker design?

What happened to (affordable) speakers with 15" woofers, 8" mid-woofers, 4" mids, and 1" dome (or horn) tweeters? The kind that would rock Eddie Money and Boston? Speakers that would hit you in the chest like the bass drum of a marching band? The kind that were mocked for their size, and not necessarily their price? Is anyone producing speakers like this anymore?

Are the days of the monster speaker gone forever, or will they rise again like the direct drive turntable?
Klipsch Heritage - LaSacala, Cornwall, Heresy and Klipschorn

If you'd like a $30,000 boutiqey product (straight from the era of excess) check out the Shindo Latour, built around good ole Altec horns and drivers and Altec 15 inch woofers.
check out Audiokinesis, grown in idaho. I've heard them and they DO rock. They don't meet your three way, 15" woofer criteria, but have 10" woofers and a horn tweeter

Jazz Modules are $4500 ... is that affordable?
the only affordable speakers of that type still available that i know of are cerwin-vegas. i've always thought that everyone should have a pair hidden in the closet for the times when your friends have gone, and you want to raise the roof a little.
Here you go...