4 Ohm Speaker with an "8 Ohm Minimum" Reciever

I recently put together a small system consisting of a NAD L54 receiver and a pair of Totem Dreamcatchers. The Dreamcatchers are a 4 Ohm Speaker. The NAD Manual states that the speakers should be 8 ohm minimum. Of course, I did not now this until I purchased everything and had all the components delivered. I would hate to sell the speakers, but I am worried I will damage the receiver.
If I use the system, am I risking damage ? The room that the system is in is very small, and the system will be played at low levels. Thank you.
I would email NAD. I am guessing the 8 OHM minimum is more of a guideline than absolute rule. Solid State amps love a lower impedance in general...
Probably not but you can add a 4 ohm resistor to the speaker wire if you are really worried. This was done in the very early days of transistors on occasion. What effect it would have on the sound I have no idea.
A 4 ohm resistor in series will soak up half the power sent to the speaker and release it as heat. You may not be able to get enough volume out of the system. Your resistor also needs to handle the power. I'd suggest a power rating of at least P*.707*.5, where P is the receiver rated max power.

If you hook up the speakers directly the receiver may run hot, its protection circuitry may trip, or at worst case you could damage the output stage.
Thank you all for your help. I will try installing a resistor, and call NAD as well.