Merlin owners who have modified x-over?

Who has modifies or would like to modify the merlins, which caps have been used or considered.

Thanks for the updates.

Please keep this forum advised as to when/where/how these caps will be worked and utilized into the Merlin product lines.

Best Regards,

jim, more magic happened when i finally got some cardas clear at the merlin plant. in about 2 hours the sound was way more real than i had experienced at the factory before. this wire is uncomplicated, dynamic and natural sounding. and yes it sounds very clear. because it sounds so continuous from top to bottom, it is slightly more immediate in its presentation but with no hot spots, it sounds more relaxed at the same time. i like it!
i know you and one of my other friends have the clear and are saying the same things about it.
what a great tool for my kind of work and your listening too.
best, b
I'm curious about this Cardas clear. Is it available as internal wire for tweeter and mid/bass drivers? I see it on their website as finished cables only.
Sherod, i use a sigle run of clear to the woofers with my merlin made/cardas lead free jumpers to the tweeter.
my jumper wire is 15 gauge radially wound cardas copper litz soldered to copper tinned o-ring connectors with the cardas tri-eutectic lead free solder. did the same in vegas at the ces.
best, b
i misunderstood sherod.
this is a question you should ask the cardas folks. 1 541 347 2484.
the wire itself has a different internal geometry with different terminations. i do not know what they will offer in the future.
best, b