Compact 7ES-3

Question: Are the Harbeth Compact 7ES-3's a big step-up in sound from the Silverline Minuets? Both are to driven with a Jolida RD 302 (which uses the EL-34's). Thank you.
The merry-go -round ride has begun. Quieter backgrounds, more detail,deeper and wider soundstage, more precise imaging can be obtained through the Spendors.
Have the EL34 amp. There is also your source?
Byegolly, congratulations on the purchase. If you like what you hear, stick with your Jolida amp. I am pretty sure you would. However, if you still feel something is lacking, let us know specifically what is missing and what are the traits you are looking for. There is a very special amp that may give you that and take you off the merry-go-round.
Thanks. I am happy with my lowly Jolida. My neighbor is happy with his McIntosh gear. I suspect he will be back on the component merry-go-round before me, for that is his MO for consumer goods from washing machines to automobiles. He wanted me to see his $1700 washing machine the other day - God forbid!
I had a pair of Compact 7ES-3's. They are indeed nice speakers, but ultimately I found them lacking in the dynamics department. I admit that I am a rocker, however, and perhaps with other genres they may be ideal. I used them with both a McIntosh MC275 and a Wyred 4 Sound SX-500 monoblocks. I sold the Harbeths and bought a pair of Salk SongTower RT's, and they are more to my liking... deeper bass, better imaging, crystalline extended highs from ribbon tweeter, more efficient, more dynamic, seemingly more accurate/detailed rather than euphonic. I am not slamming the Harbeths at all... and they are very nice speakers that may be the 'ultimate' for you. If so, great! I really liked the eucalyptus finish on my pair, but even that is not in the same league as a Salk custom finish (mine are Pau Ferro rosewood). Honestly, I was expecting a bit more from the Harbeths as they are generally regarded as one of the best speakers available. I guess it just really comes down to personal preference. I am happy with the Salks, but perhaps you will prefer the Harbeths. Nothing wrong with that... good luck!
Your post about the Salk's is causing me more confusion about speaker choice. Thought I had narrowed it down to Spendor 1/2's, Harbeth Compact 7 or Totem Forest...but I had heard a lot of great things about the Salks...any other folks care to weigh in?