Wilson Sophia 2 vs Revel Salon2--fair comparison?

I've narrowed my search to these two speakers. The prices are in the same ballpark for my current situation: I would be buying the Sophias from a local authorized dealer vs buying the Revels new/barely used here at Agon (since I have no local dealer).

I have been able to audition the Sophias and loved them. Since there is no local dealer, the Revels have remained unheard. The praise in the press and various forums have still kept them in the running though.

They will be palced in a 20x27' room. Power will come from an all Bryston front end including the all new 4B SST squared. Music is a mix of classic rock and jazz. I tend to value bass slam and depth as well as the ability to disappear. Coherence is also important.

So what does the forum think? Is this a fair fight? Should I just go for the Revels? Thanks!
I used the Bryston 4b-SST with the Salon1 and found it was not as powerful as I needed. I listen to music some what loud. I bought the 7B-SST and that worked great.
"I'd be more concerned that the Revels and possibly the Sophias might be to reveling for the Brystons 4B SST's. If your ready to up grade the amps also go for the Revels and buy amps for them."

Why do people pick on Brystons? I think it is the review of them back in the early 90's (several models ago) when Stereophile gave them a "B." The ST's and on are truely first class products. I used to have 7B ST's and they are definately high end amps and up to the task. Some feel that they are an upgrade from other amps such as McIntosh and Classe. I found them more accurate than Classe CAM 350 monoblocks.
Basically it comes down to this -

You have found a speaker that you like, however, there is another speaker that you can get for a "deal," but you haven't heard it so you don't know if you like it.

Hands down, go for the Sophia. You already know you like it! Why take a big risk with an unknown? Buying things unheard rarely works out well in my experience, and when it does, it's because of luck, not because of good planning.

Sage advice my friend.

Thanks to all for the guidance. Appreciate the input!
Wht isnt the Sopia2 used an option?..Wilson speakers are being dumped big time on most sites right now....Wait a tad and you will find a nice pair of Wilson for a real bargain..