Vandersteen 3a and Spendor sp1/2e's

Hi, I currently have the spendor and have come across a pair of the Vandersteens locally, they are mint and I think a good deal at 1200.00
I don't really want to put the guy through the hassles of packing them up and trying them in my room, but I just may. I am hoping that some of you have tried these great speakers and can magically tell me which one I would like best. As that may be hard, I would settle for which ones you liked best. I have a sub with the Spendors and don't feel I am missing any bass, but sometimes I think they could be a bit more detailed?
Any impressions or comparisons would be greatly appreciated.

$1200 is an excellent price for the 3A. It is a good speaker but, if detail is important, I would look elsewhere or keep the Spendors. Good luck.

Vandersteen 3As are a great speaker and they reproduce whats in front of them.
It should be another level from what you have now.
the SP 100 is more of a comparison with the Vandy 3A
Cheers John
If they are the 3A Signature, then they are a blinding steal at $1200. Phenomenal sound, and truly full range.