Vandersteen 3a and Spendor sp1/2e's

Hi, I currently have the spendor and have come across a pair of the Vandersteens locally, they are mint and I think a good deal at 1200.00
I don't really want to put the guy through the hassles of packing them up and trying them in my room, but I just may. I am hoping that some of you have tried these great speakers and can magically tell me which one I would like best. As that may be hard, I would settle for which ones you liked best. I have a sub with the Spendors and don't feel I am missing any bass, but sometimes I think they could be a bit more detailed?
Any impressions or comparisons would be greatly appreciated.

Mike - I've only heard the 3A Sigs. The older 3A's can be updated by Vandersteen to the Signature version.
I would also suggest when you install the Vandersteens
you read the manual get the tilt back correct and remove the sub out of the room as it will act as a sponge on the music.
Cheers JohnnyR
I tried one sub with the 3A Sigs it wasn't as good as the 3A Sigs alone! Go on the Vandersteen website and download the set up instructions then use homemade shims to adjust the rake of the speakers for temporary set up.