Vandersteen 3a and Spendor sp1/2e's

Hi, I currently have the spendor and have come across a pair of the Vandersteens locally, they are mint and I think a good deal at 1200.00
I don't really want to put the guy through the hassles of packing them up and trying them in my room, but I just may. I am hoping that some of you have tried these great speakers and can magically tell me which one I would like best. As that may be hard, I would settle for which ones you liked best. I have a sub with the Spendors and don't feel I am missing any bass, but sometimes I think they could be a bit more detailed?
Any impressions or comparisons would be greatly appreciated.

I tried one sub with the 3A Sigs it wasn't as good as the 3A Sigs alone! Go on the Vandersteen website and download the set up instructions then use homemade shims to adjust the rake of the speakers for temporary set up.
Damn, I just lost my post.
Quick update. Tried them out and like them, I almost gave up and packed them back up, but after I tossed the set-up manual and toed them in lots, they sound great, I think better in almost every way, no complaints yet, but I told him I would decide by tomorrow. Thanks for all the help, and thanks John for the Spendors, they are great speakers. I may hold on to them for a while if I can.
One last question, my amplifier has 1,2,4,and 8 ohm taps. The speakers are 6 ohm. Should I hook them up to 4 or 8?

Thanks again,
my amplifier has 1,2,4,and 8 ohm taps. The speakers are 6 ohm. Should I hook them up to 4 or 8?

Thanks again,
Hanaleimike (System | Threads | Answers
They will likely sound punchier and more dynamic on the 4 ohm taps, while they will sound more open and airy on the 8 ohm taps. You will wish you had taps that provided the best of both. Such is life in audio...
Tvad is correct, I tried both taps and prefered the 8ohm taps for the stated reasons. Mike I was constantly moving my 3's around. Three feet from back wall no toe in, toe in, 4-7' w/no toe in then toe in, very tweaky speakers like you stated. Fun for awhile then I put them in one place and left them for my sanity and so I could "just" listen to music!!!! You'll learn a ton with Vandies, have you played with the rake yet? The set up manual is just a starting place so you have a feel for RV's recommendations!!!