What floorstanding speakers should I buy?

I am looking for a set of floorstanding speakers around $1000 thinking of going used so I can get more speaker for the money. I listen to Jazz Blues Rock and even hard rock and some classical so I need a well rounded speaker. I'm using a NAD C272 amp 150W. Thanks
+1 on the PSB Stratus Gold. They effortlessly fill a room, go deep, and scale well from solo voice to big band or orchestra, especially with an amp as powerful as yours. One of the surprises of this speaker is its fast, transparent midrange. The speaker cab looks like it would be slow and murky, but it's anything but.

Read Stereophile's review here, and check out its measurements here. Particularly note its near absence of cabinet resonances, the really linear response including a very flat and unlumpy bass, and wide, smooth lateral dispersion.
I suggest not buying speakers around an amp, but buying an amp to power your prefered speakers.