Best Super-Tweek You Possibly Ever Did

This post is to get those "Best Super-Tweeks" in here that made a significant improvement that many may enjoy knowing about.

The Issue: My speakers and SVS Ultra 13 didn't sound right crossed over at the THX recommended point of 80 Hz. Neither did they at 60,70, 90, or 100 Hz, either. What was up?

Correction Summary: First, perform true SLM readings on your MAINS in-home 2. Move sub up higher and closer to remove floor muddiness 3. Calibrate the sub last 4. Enjoy enjoy enjoy

Possibly My Best Tweek:

First, I used a SLM (analog sound level meter) and Set-Up Test CD to graph out my MAIN speakers frequency responses in my listening room. Forget company graphs. I wanted real in-home measurments of my Fronts. I was surprised they played nearly perfectly flat at my listening position from 50 Hz and up. A good subwoofer rule is to crossover at the lowest possible point that best compliments the mains.

Next, I placed the SVS sub on a table right at listening level about 8 feet just to the side and rear of the listening position.

Next, I changed the subs and all other speakers crossover to match 50 Hz with the MAIN's, including the center and surrounds. I tried a variety of crossover points on the center and surrounds separately, and that never sounded correct playing various reference disks.

Next, I set-up the Ultra's "Q" adjustment to flatten out a narrow hump centered at 80 Hz.

Last, I set all volume levels of all speakers in my processor for perfect dB balance using white noise and the SLM.

The results were like a magic wand waved over my system. Every reference disk sounded right from bottom to top and begged to be played.

That's possibly my best Tweek. It's been 3 months now and I have had no desire to adjust anything further. Before, it was ALWAYS something. No more. I hope others may have similiar results trying this very simple SET-UP method.
Ag insider logo xs@2xsoundsbeyondspecs
Speaker placement and judiciously positioned room treatments. The speaker placement is essentially a free tweak that just takes a good amount of time and patiance. Room treatments do not have to be expensive, but if you can hang them without wifely concerns there is little that can match the improvements that they will generate.
Replaced my direct view television between the speakers with a front projection setup and wall mounted screen.
You put a PB 13 Ultra on a table? Must be one helluva table. That's a 120 lb. sub right?

I have the PB Ultra 13 cylinder sub. The best tweak wasn't really a tweak. It was $500 worth of bass traps in the corners of the room.

A nice tweak was putting sorbothane pucks that I already owned under that sucker. That snapped the bass to attention and it blends well with my "vintage" Martin Logans.
Lcouplin - thanks for chiming in about solar power- I always wondered what off the grid solar sounded like.

Since this is the speaker forum, The best tweek I ever did for speakers was put them on a Sistrum Stand. So much more focus and bass extension.