B&W Speakers

For a dedicated stereo music system in a room that measures 12' x 14' where the speakers will be roughly 7' apart, 1.5' from the back wall and 9' from the listener, which B&W speakers would you recommend for approx. $3000-$5000?

The speakers will be powered by a Linn 4200 (4 x 200W) power amp.
I've had a pair of 603's as my first pair of speakers and then the 703's. Either one sounded too bright to me, though I don't doubt that they are good speakers. Guess the 800 series might be better but if you do a search on here you'll find that I'm not the only one who found them to be a bit forward sounding, though I believe people found that to be the case with the aluminum dome tweeters, yet not with the diamond ones.

I agree with Stringreen that there are many other brands out there that are just as good or better. Personally I currently have a pair of Living Voice Avatars and like them a lot better. My girlfriend, who isn't really into this hobby immediately said that the Avatars are more musical and easier to listen to.

Guess try to find some dealers and audition whatever you can to at least hear something different as well.
After many listening sessions to B&W speakers (803N and 802D) I have an aversion to them. The midrange in particular is colored, a certain thickness (or the famous 'kevlar' sound) is distracting to me.

Sorry to be discouraging but that was my first though upon reading your post...
Given the size of your room, I'd recommend the 805S with a pair of REL Quake or R205 subs (yes, I said "pair" for a 12' x 14' room). While I like my Green Mountain Audio speakers better, I have owned the N805 (along with a REL Strata III) and did enjoy the combination.

Stick with the 800 series within the B&W offerings, and I'd look at the "S" or "D" speakers within the 800 family. I'd also think you'd be better off with the 805S + subs than the 804D.

...and save some money for room treatments.