Speakers under $700 for 8W Per Channel Tube SET

Need advice from Audiogoners with real experience.

Looking for speakers to work with a SET tube integrated with 8W output per channel. Budget is $700 and under.

Current system configuration:
Amp - Image Audio 6Bi tube integrated, two 6BX7 tubes per channel producing 8W per channel.
Speakers - B&W DM302
CD - Cambridge Audio Azur 640
Interconnect - Audio Metallurgy G"0"
Speaker cable - Signal Cable
Room - 13'(W) x 18'(L) 8'(H), wall to wall carpet.
Music - Classical chamber, lite jazz (Diana Krall, Holly Cole)
Preference - Neutral, detailed, integral harmonic structure of instruments, will sacrifice low bass in exchange for accuracy in mid/high frequencies

Thank You.
The first thing you should look at is the efficiency of the speakers. Most will not give enough volume; I would look for ones in at least the low 90s and preferably higher.
With that room volume you will probably want 95 dB+ but much depends on your maximum listening "volume", minimum impedance, impedance variation (curve), type/presence of crossover and your listening position in terms of distance from the speaker. I have a second system moderate size bedroom (maybe 10 or 11 x 14) with the speakers on the long wall. They are front-loaded, single driver zHorns at about 93 dB efficiency and I listen to singer songwriter/folk/acoustic blues, etc, at low-moderate volumes. I tried a Berning microZOTL (which is 1-2 wpc) since I was mostly using headphones and found that it works in that situation. I'd like to have a bit more gas but since the music does not have much deep bass and the volumes are nowhere near "realistic", its just fine. Your MMV.