Budget minded bookshelves

I'm beginning to build my budget college setup (I'm a freshmen) and am really confused when it comes to speakers because there's just so many choices. I already have an Onix SP3 MKII integrated amp and a Fubar II USB DAC. Right now I'm looking for some decent bookshelf speakers in the $3-350 range used. That price does not include shipping. Any ideas? I'm looking at mainly B&W DM602s and PSB B25s. Since I'm around 150 miles from any kind of dealer auditioning isn't an option -- but I'm okay with buying and trying, and selling if necessary. None of the dealers I can find have any "low-end" stuff in stock.
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i noticed someone (not me) on agon selling some mordaunt short ms30i for 150 or so. a no brainer at that price--very fine speaker from hugely underrecognized company.
ANYTHING from PSB. they make very good bookshelves. Also Epos and Usher. Neither of the two latter brands will leave you lacking and punch way above their price/weight.
Ive seen good Dahlquist's sell on Craigslist super cheap,like the 905's and such,even eBay.

They are very good speakers. In fact, I would take them over many speakers, they're smooth with good bass.
Just a thought.

Good luck.