Extremas with Clayton or Gamut

Right now I have the big Melos monoblocks with a pair of Extremas. It's a great match, but I'd also like to try some solid state amps with them. The Clayton's or Gamut's seem like they might be good choices, so I was wondering if anybody has tried these combos?

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I don't have much experience with the Extremas, but I own and know both Gamut and Clayton very well. They are both neutral amplifiers without a hint of stridency.

The Clayton M300's and the Gamut D200 or M250 (I have a custom supercharged "Gamut-like" unit purchased directly from the original Gamut designer/engineer (near Copenhagen) who designed the single mosfet pair/channel output) are both state of the art in my opinion, and can compete with anything out there regardless of price.

Audiobrian -- can you elaborate on the major differences you hear between the two amps?
Hi Soix:

Usually that is an easy question. But strangely, and happily, these two amplifiers, despite significant differences in topology, have nearly identical sonic signatures. Remarkeably accurate, tonally correct midrange, extended articulate bass and treble. IMHO, both easily better the usual crowd (ML, Krell, Ayre, etc...all very fine products). Both are just natural sounding and mate equally well with SS or tube preamps; both single ended an XLR inputs on the Gamut/Gamut-like (I am not able to legally call my units Gamut- although Michael Edinger, it's builder, made Gamut..well..Gamut!)only XLR with the Claytons.

Both can easily drive nearly any speaker I can think of, with rare exception.

BTW if you have an interest in a custom UA D220 (supercharged Gamut D 200 mkIII) I am now using the UA M300 monoblocks (supercharged Gamut M250's)....I alternate these with the Claytons..... please let me know...sonic signatures identical, just a wee bit more power with the monoblocks. I have never before had any interest in selling, but with the UA M300's and the Clayton M300's, I really don't use the fabulous UA D220.

Enjoy your halloween weekend!
Well, I was going to chime in, but togs may be in hybernation for the winter. I think the Gamut amps are one of the best kept secrets in the US. In europe, its a different story. The D200MrkII which I personally own is one of the most neutral, resolving pieces I have ever heard. Period. It has a unique signature in that, depending on the type of speakers you use, it will mold itself to their performance characteristics. Sounds weird I know. For example, some say that the Gamuts lack bass weight. When connected to my JBL 4312C's...they do. But, they dont. Those speakers are designed with an almost perfectly flat frequency response. Almost. You would not expect much bass from those 12 inch minimum excursion woofers. BUT, when hooked up to my VTL 150's, its a completely different story. Now, on the other hand, when the D200II is connected to my Theil 2.4's, the bass extension goes beyond what the VTL's can do. I can assure you it has nothing to do with tube vs SS amplification personas. The Gamut has a peculiar way of integrating with different speakers. Maybe its the single huge Mosfet design? Though I can't wrap my brain around that. The claytons are wonders in their own right. Very similar indeed as Audiobrian mentions. Honestly, I would go for the Gamut, and thats only because I have a bias. You really cant go wrong either way.