Extremas with Clayton or Gamut

Right now I have the big Melos monoblocks with a pair of Extremas. It's a great match, but I'd also like to try some solid state amps with them. The Clayton's or Gamut's seem like they might be good choices, so I was wondering if anybody has tried these combos?

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What do you folks think of the Claytons in general?I may be considering the M-300's driving Revel Salon Ultima II's down the road.


The M-300's are fabulous and I am driving the Revel Ultima Salon II as well. With a VAC preamp I couldn't ask for more!.
It's unfortunate that Clayton and Wilson Shen are not more well known as his class A monoblocks may be the most natural sounding solid state amplifiers available, with authority and extension.

The Gamuts are also wonderful, but I might give a slight edge to the M-300's.
Audiobrian,thanks for the info-:)

Funny thing is....I too would seriously consider the VAC pre/phonostage(not the highest priced one,but the "um cheap" $12,000 model...heh,heh.

I was able to compare that pre/phonostage to the TOP VTL units,along with the TOP Zanden Pre/phonostage,and both myself and the other folks present felt the VAC was better than the VTL,and equal to the mega buck Zanden(except when the Zanden was in equalized mode,for Decca pressings).

A great mating,I'd hope.....but...

I am very concerned about te "heat issue" from 300 wpc of class "A".I've gotten superb results in the past with a modded Rowland two chassis 8T class A/B amp,that ran ice cold,but sounded fabulous.

I don't want to have to sit in a Speedo,to hear music-:)

Btw,forgot to ask if something like a class A/B Pass X-350.5 or the "seemingly" bargain priced Plinius SB-301 will be competitive with the Claytons?This driving the Revel Salon Ultima II's,of course(they need power).

I'm leaning to Clayton,but the heat issue is a BIG one,because I've been there before,and it can be a royal pain.

Hi Sirspeedy:

The VAC Ren III with phono (12K) is almost the equal of the Signature model (18K)....and it mates fabulous with the Claytons....as I said, I believe VAC preamps are the "cats meow" both sonically and in their ability to mate with any amplifier.

I have been pleasantly surprised that the heat issue of the M-300's has not been as bad as I thought and I live in FL. A ceiling fan in the listening room and central air conditioning for the entire house has worked well. By the way, the low power setting, allowing 200 wpc in class A emits much less heat and sounds almost as good. Of course the M-200's are another possibility.

Happy Holidays, God Bless America, and good listening.