Which matters more, DAC or transport?

In my search to better the digital playback of my system I've been lead to look at several DACs to couple with my arcam cd36, and have also considered buying a whole new player like a McIntosh mcd 201 or maybe even a lower end esoteric. My question is: will I get better results using a good DAC (for $2000 to $3000) with my mid-fi transport or with a new player that has a better transport mechanism built in, coupled with what's probably a slightly less sophisticated onboard DAC? Also, what do people think of the Bel Canto DAC3? It's one I've considered. Thanks.
You'll find a few words on the DAC vs transport question in the archives if you look about. I'm not much help I'm afraid. IMHE they both matter, and I've chosen the source-first approach most often. If you go for Esoteric--not a bad idea--go for the VRDS mechanism if at all possible.
My vote is DAC if you have to choose. But I do agree with Tobias you need both.
What about Ayres new DAC:

Ayre QB-9 USB Digital-to-Analog Converter
the DAC by far MSB Platium is one top in the world but for the money this is 80% as good http://www.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?dgtlconv&1255906092&/Msb-Power-Dac-usb-coax-xlr-inp
Also look at their ilink then you don't need to spend a lot of money on a transport and the sound is twice as good
From experience, the Rotel transport I had with a Adcom 700 DA converter.. When I bought a Sony SCD777ES player, the "Sony as transport" via the Adcom DA blew away the Rotel via the Adcom. I was actually feeling embarassed to sell the Rotel.. as it sounded so crappy compared to the Sony as transport, both via the Adcom 700 dac.
So I will never say the transport does not matter!!
(Also, I tried a 200 disc player via coax out to the Adcom and it sounded poor. I have to again say it was the transport, being cheap, was unlistenable, and I returned the thing for my money back.)
So, IMO, you need a good DA converter, but you also need a good transport!! The idea of splurging on a DA then buying a cheap transport, is foolish.
Thanks alot for the input. I wish I had all the equipment I'm interested in to do an actual listening test. It's really the only way.