Zu Essence vs Devore Nine vs Maggies

Greetings all! I currently have some Dynaudio 52Se monitors with a REL R-205 sub and am looking for something with the same or better quality sound, yet a deeper, richer, more engrossing sound. I've considered the Contour series floorstanders, but haven't heard them.

My room is 15x25 with a vaulted ceiling 8-10ft. Speaker placement is on the long wall on the short side of the ceiling. I run a Sony ES CD source to a Rogue Perseus tube preamp with a Quad 909 SS power amp. I'd like to spend $1000-3000 (used, preferably).

I've auditioned the Magnepan 1.6R and loved them quite a bit. I've also heard the ProAc Response D2, Dali Helicon, and Devore Super 8. Honestly, I really like the Magnepan, especially for the price. I also really liked the Dali, but it's too much and the Devore Nine killed the Super 8 to me, but again is a little pricey. After much reading, I think the Zu Essence might be what I want and at a great price now, $3500.

So... has anyone heard the new Essence and compared it to the Devore Nine? Also, would my setup be too much for such sensitive speakers? I like everything from jazz trios to arena rock. For that amazing encompassing "live", rich sound, with clear detailed highs and nice lows, can I beat the Maggies? To be fair, I had a whole week to audition them at home while all the others were at dealers.

Thanks in advance, Dave, Austin, TX
I had always wanted to hear the 909 with my Maggie 1.6's (when I had them) it has the current dumping design that seems like a perfect match for them.

fwiw I imagine the amp would not match as well with the Zu though they are certainly in the league with the Maggies I am sure.
Maggie 1.6'a are a stone bargain, no doubt. I used them for five or six years
with great pleasure. In the end though, I tired of their fussy nature about
amplification. They need an amp with lots of current and I think it's real easy to
spend what you save on speakers trying to find a good amp to drive them. There
are a number of less expensive amps with the power to make them work, but
refined solid state amps that are nuanced aren't cheap. Something like the
Devore or Zu will offer you many more options for good amplification at lesser
price points. I'd also characterize the 1.6qr's lows are adequate but nothing
outstanding. Maggies are also visually intrusive, which may or may not be a
factor for you.

Since you like Maggies and you're in Austin, here's something to chew on.

The smaller Maggie (MMG) runs app. $600, direct from Magnepan with a 60 day return policy. Coupled with a good subwoofer (or 2) and controller, these little panels can be terrific. As it happens, the excellent Rythmik subwoofers are sold direct by Rythmik (also w/ a return policy), located in Austin. You could order a pair of Maggies and try them out w/the Rythmiks. If it doesn't work for you, returning the stuff (particularly the subs) is simplified.

As to controllers: I use the Velodyne SMS-1 controller @$450, (ocassionally set up with MMGs). I think it's a pretty amazing device, but many report that the $700 SMS/Audyssey controller is superior. Both allow digital room correction of the subs which IME will likely produce bass performance superior to any non-corrected speaker at any price. Depending on how low the MMGs go in your room, you might let them just roll off naturally and "snug-up" the sub below them - an approach many purists prefer.

OTOH, you may want to think about actively rolling off the bass from the MMGs. If so, budget another $300 (or more) for an active high cut unit, since the high cut in the Velodyne is both inflexible and digital. It converts the signal for DRC processing via an ADC and then back to analog. For me, this is fine for the sub's signal, not so fine for the main signal path. If you choose the SMS/Audyssey controller, it has no built in x-over and will require an outboard unit, anyway.

I actively roll my mains with the NHT x-2. The benefit is that you can choose any crossover point you want. Since the worst room issues are often around 80hz, you can cross a little higher and send these frequencies to the subs. That way you can use the DRC in the sub controller to address those issues. BTW, I've found via direct A-B comparison that the X-2 (the only intrusion between your amp and the MMGs) is completely inaudible to me. However, I'd be the first to acknowledge that this doesn't mean it will be inaudible to everyone. As always, YMMV.

Total budget for a pair of 12" subs, NHT x-2, Velodyne SMS-1 and Maggie MMGs is app. $3K, add another $250 for the SMS/Audyssey. As I noted, I have used this exact set-up. Since the sub controller can remove the most audible room to room variations (those below 150hz), I can pretty much assure you terrific results.

Good Luck
