Zu Essence vs Devore Nine vs Maggies

Greetings all! I currently have some Dynaudio 52Se monitors with a REL R-205 sub and am looking for something with the same or better quality sound, yet a deeper, richer, more engrossing sound. I've considered the Contour series floorstanders, but haven't heard them.

My room is 15x25 with a vaulted ceiling 8-10ft. Speaker placement is on the long wall on the short side of the ceiling. I run a Sony ES CD source to a Rogue Perseus tube preamp with a Quad 909 SS power amp. I'd like to spend $1000-3000 (used, preferably).

I've auditioned the Magnepan 1.6R and loved them quite a bit. I've also heard the ProAc Response D2, Dali Helicon, and Devore Super 8. Honestly, I really like the Magnepan, especially for the price. I also really liked the Dali, but it's too much and the Devore Nine killed the Super 8 to me, but again is a little pricey. After much reading, I think the Zu Essence might be what I want and at a great price now, $3500.

So... has anyone heard the new Essence and compared it to the Devore Nine? Also, would my setup be too much for such sensitive speakers? I like everything from jazz trios to arena rock. For that amazing encompassing "live", rich sound, with clear detailed highs and nice lows, can I beat the Maggies? To be fair, I had a whole week to audition them at home while all the others were at dealers.

Thanks in advance, Dave, Austin, TX
What the maggies do, can not be had from the rest. You will not regret it. Cheers.
What amp did you use with the Essence and how long did you try them ?

What other speaker/amp combos do you find engaging ?

Thank you .
Yes, Bjesien, I was going to ask the very same question--Saki, you beat me to it!
I use a VAC Avatar SE with NOS Bugle Boy tubes. I'm very familiar with this amp and don't think it was the culprit. I also tried a little 10 watt or so Luxman tube integrated.

I hesitate to say what I find engaging at the 3-5k price range because so many sacrifices have to be made. It depends upon your priorities. I personally would look at used Verity, Devore, Harbeth, Reynaud. These companies to my ears have maintained what I find important to make a speaker engaging at the pricepoint.

Hope this answers the questions.
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