Looking for new speakers?

Greetings, I'm looking for some speakers that will shine even when placed really close to the rear wall. I'm working with only 4-8 inches of clearance. I have a Bel-Canto digital integrated amplifier 150/300 watts per channel and Polk Lsi9 speakers, but at such close proximity to the rear wall, they tend to sound bloated & boomy. I like jazz, r&b, top 40 kind of stuff. I'm looking to spend less than 5k.

Thanks for your time,

Mark :-)
I made the same recommendation a few weeks ago for the same situation, and only because I have a friend who is in the same situation and I have actually heard his speakers, but the NHT floorstanders, 2.9 and 3.3 I believe are recommended to be placed 4-10 inches from the wall. They have excellent depth at this distance as well. Bass goes to about 35hz for the 2.9, which is what he has, and the sound is a bit forward, but very warm and detailed. At 5K, I bet you could do better, not sure what the 3.3's run at.
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i did a similar search for near-wall positioned speakers, albeit at a lower budget. the best i heard i were paradigm signatures. i'd also be interested in checking out ohms, which seem to be impervious to placement and have the no-risk home audition thing going on.
I heard some monitors by Induction Dynamics at a dealer a couple of years ago. They were initially set up on stands and I liked the way they sounded. I asked the dealer how they would be closer to the wall. To make his point, the dealer placed them on a bookshelf which was directly backed up to the wall and they still sounded very good. They are well built, have steep crossover slopes and if I remember correctly came in at around $3000 for the pair. I believe they also make a version of this monitor that is designed to hang on the wall and still perform well.