Sophia 2 with Plinius?

I am currently looking for a new SS amplifier for my Sophia 2s. I have searched through the archives and found several good candidates -- Pass, Ayre, and Parasound seem to be common recommendations. I tried a Pass X250.5, but found it to be a bit to dark sounding for my taste. Other than that it was great.

Has anyone tried Plinius? The SB301 has recieved good reviews.

I'm looking for sweet none grainy highs, but with good (Krell or Bryston like) bass control.
Without a doubt this will work well, we tried the Plinius with Sasha's from a Wadia 781 direct at the weekend, bass was well controlled but full and fluent. Compared it with Krell 202/402 and it was no disgrace, so try it..

If you want Krell-like bass control, how about a Krell amp? The amps are awesome for slam and bass control. I have a FPB400cx, and have discovered that it really is a chamelleon. Used with an ARC pre it was sweet, and used with a Krell pre it was absolutely neutral. Open soundstage, big presentation, and killer bass in both cases.