Skylan stand tweeks

A few questions, if you please:

- post loading has been with sand, kitty litter, and now Noel is recommending users to try rice, which I'm using.
Anyone try more than one of these for comparison?

- Noel gave me ceramic magnets to try on each top plate, 2 in front on the metal rods, and 1 in back in the middle.
Anyone try this or other devices to lift speaker off the 4 neoprene corners? I didn't like the magnets, I'm using 3 wooden oak buttons per plate.

- I have wood floors, so using the rounded threaded inserts instead of the spikes.
Anyone try anything else?

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So then Thorman, are you using 4 per plate or 3? I've heard good things about Herbies, plus his prices are very reasonable.
I also use Herbies Big Fat Dots (4) between speaker and stand. Very positive effect. Generally I find it best to get some air between a speaker and stand, rather than have speaker flush on a stand.

I also put felt on the round threaded inserts to avoid scratching floor.
I am using 2 in the front and one in the middle in the back..Works fine.......
Great. I'm ordering today....I like the idea of using 3 vs 4, makes it easier to keep level.
Your posts appear to assume you are somewhat unsatisfied with the sound of the speakers placed directly on the stands. You don't state what the issue is, but usually, people try to isolate speakers from the stands because they're sounding a bit "muddy".

I too found that Herbies BBDs were very good on the Skylans, and it seems so for others as well. But, keep in mind, IMO, an MDF stand sounds different than a metal one. This is not a knock in any way against the company, as I think Noel is amongst the finest people I have dealt with in this hobby.

I am a great fan of standmount speakers and have found that a good deal of trial and error is necessary to find the proper speaker-stand interface for one's room and taste. I also think the spikes into a good spike base will clean things up as well. I tried those rubber feet and they were convenient, but just didn't work for me.
While you're shopping at Herbies, you might try fitting your speaker bases with 3 ebony domes instead of spikes. They're convenient and they really worked for me. Good luck and keep at it. (But don't forget to listen to some good music along the way)