ProAc D Two Speaker Terminal Preferences...

The rear of the ProAc D2's have two sets of speaker terminals on the back of each speaker.

Curious as to what peoples experience has been when jacking in their speaker cables, either into the top (Treble) terminals or the Bottom (Bass) terminals?

As I understand it using the top speaker terminals offers a brighter "clean" sound and plugging into the bottom speaker terminals will add a little more bass.

I've inserted my cables into the top terminals still using the jumper bar that came with the speakers connecting to the bottom terminals.

All burn-in so far has been in this configuration. So, to all you non bi-wiring D2 owners out there, which rear terminals do you plug into and why?
Use the connection that sounds best to you.You are the one that has to listen to it.
Or just do it the best way and bi Wire up with the same wire thats inside your speakers Proac Signature Speaker wire
Happy Listening Johnnyr
Am looking more for folks that have the speakers and are willing to share their choice of terminal preference.

This eve I've put the single wire (Grover Huffman SX - 8' pr) into the bottom terminals. A noticeable change was heard while playing Jay Farrar & Ben Gibbard's: One Last Move Or I'm Gone - San Francisco. Jay's S's no longer distort! When in the top terminals the sharp S's noticeably distorted and sounded awful.

Haven't noticed any loss in vocal clarity using the D2's bassier bottom terminals.

I do plan to replace the jumper bar w/ JPS jumpers (not the Aluminata series too stiff to use with spades on these monitors). I'll see what change this will bring when they arrive.

But after two hours of critical listening I'm happy with the bottom speaker terminals as opposed to the top ones.