Tube amp for Spendor S3/5 SE

Recently acquired a pair of Spendor S3/5 SE from a Audiogon member. I am an audio enthusiast and mostly listens to Vocals at low to moderate volume. I never tried Tubes and really want to try them. Could you guys recommend me a tube amp in ~$1000 range. Because of easy biasing, i thought of trying Primaluna Prologue One, but i am afraid it will be underpowered for Spendors.
Jadis Orchestra Reference - a very sweet sounding integrated amp, especially for vocals and if you like the live feel with lots of atmosphere!!!! I have used this integrated amp before with Spendor LS3/5a. I currently use Jadis DA-50 Signature integrated amp for my Rogers LS3/5a, and nothing could be sweeter than this combo for mids and vocals!
Great speakers,I have the 3/5r's with Quick Silver 50 watt amps and the combo is great,try to find the mid mono's they have plenty of power and vocals are to die for. What preamp are you using?
Surprisingly I had excellent results with an Audio Note P2 SE amp (18 wpc) with S3/5 speakers. You don't necessarily need a lot of power with those speakers providing you are not trying to fill a large room.
Avguy and Yogiboy..thanks for the responses. Seems Jadis amps are out of my budget range! I dont have a pre-amp and i am looking for integrated only. Earlier i had nad c325bee and Yamaha streo receiver(i use this with my Usher speakers). I sold my nad amp and planning to buy a tube one. Seems Quicksilver used ones are in my price range. room is 19ftX11ft(with a 10ftX9ft extn to the side...actually L shaped room). So i think its a small room.

And also to be more specific about music i listen to - its mostly male/female Vocals, violin and flute and artists like Bob Dylan and Clapton etc.