how to side-grade from B&W 805's?

hello, i have b&w nautilus 805's and would like to change things up.. i need some advice on what speakers to move onto

first of all, some background on my room

it's about 11x15 and i do have some minimal acoustic treatment (8x 2x2 absorbers)

my electronics consists of a peachtree decco (soon to be nova), and a mcintosh 7100

as far as power, i feel that the mcintosh provides enough clean power for my room, i'm just looking for a different sound

what i love about the 805's is mainly the midrange/imaging... it is silky smooth and very rich... vocals and jazz really excel on these speakers... imaging is off the charts, the speakers simply disappear and the soundstage is huge, love that

however, when i listen to bass-heavy/faster music such as electronic/rock/etc, i feel that the 805's leave something to be desired... also, after extended listening, the metal tweeter does cause fatigue

long story short, i'm looking for something with more bass (prefer not to add a sub) and better attack/PRAT while retaining the smooth mid/highs

my budget is around 1.5k, give or take a few hundred

what should i be looking into? who has HAD the 805's and moved onto something of similar price, but better overall performance?

I used to own the 805S and have replaced them with Proac response D18. The Proacs do all that the 805s are good for and more. I heartily recommend an audition.
I owned B&W. I came to the point when I couldn't listen to them any more, especially treble. I moved to Jmlab (much better speakers) and then to Dynaudio Confidence.