Triangle sound-signature category. Which brands?

I am curious about my options withing Triangle Speakers sound signature.
I like their sound: open, dynamic and life like, but I cannot help but wonder what else is out there that sounds just like Triangle, but perhaps more sophisticated or just better overall?
Please share your thoughts as I am very curious about my possible options.

Thank you.
DKzzzz, which Triangle speaker have you heard that you liked? Monitor or full range?

For the most part, I find that the French speaker manufacturers share certain sound qualities. The three best known in the U.S. are JM Labs/Focal, Triangle and JM Reynaud. I have owned models from all three manufacturers and enjoyed them all. Personally I think that there is something special about the Reynaud speakers, but that's just me.

I agree with Mst that the Dali and Sonus Faber speakers are also similar (yet different) sounding, and maybe you could extend that to the Totem line as well.
To my ears, the Totems sounded quite different. A bit more color and I think a bit less accurate. Not good or bad per se -- just more different than S-F or Focal.
I have to disagree with Sonus Faber comparison. I have not heard Sonus models in Amati range but everything made for home theater aplication is just below averag in sound quality.

As far as Focal is concerned ; I have heard 5 different models in under 5K price range and none of them had open, soaring treble or life like presentation. One Focal speaker had excellent driver integration and very nice sound but treble was so rolled off that I culd not consider buying it.

I will look for Dali.

I have heard Heliade and Altea.
I also heard Totem Forest at the NYC store(if I am not mistaken on the model name) and was very impressed with them.
As I mentioned before Focal and SF (to my ears)are both extremly differrent from the Triangle sound. I feel that both JM&SF are lacking treble and speed.
Nothing I have heard sound quite like the Triangle Titus 202s in my second system.

Focal Profile monitors are probably the closest.