Avantgarde Uno Nano suitable for small room?

I am getting a pair of Lamm ML2.1 SET Tube monoblock amp. I currently have the Audio Research CD7 and ARC Reference 3.

I'm considering a pair of Avantgarde Uno Nano. I have a well treated dedicated listening room size 15x11x8. I would like to know whether the AG Uno Nano would be suitable for my room. Please feel free to comment and make suggestions.

I am also open to speakers recommendation to go with the Lamm ML2.1.
That's interesting. From the three responses above, it seems like the avantgarde have to be facing the short wall (with the sides of the speakers near the long wall.)

I currently have my speakers facing the long wall. I tried placing my speakers facing the short wall before and the sound stage was too narrow. I imagine that the UNO will be the same if I place them facing the short wall. Or is it different with horn speakers? If I place them facing the long wall then I will be 9ft away from the horns. Do you guys think this would work?
If I place the UNO facing the short wall then at least how far do I have to be away from the side wall?
If you are to sit approximately 10 feet away from the speakers, then I would put start" with them approximately 12-15 inches from each sidewall.
I'd have them along the short wall facing down the length of the room. they aren't near field monitors (say like LS3/5as) and do need space for the horns to integrate with the SW. Don't worry about them being in the corners (I have my Duos in the corners of my room). The soundstage on AG horns extends significantly outside the speakers.

Your room will be fine with the Unos (Nano) - probably a bit samll for the Duos though.