Eggleston Dealers

I would like to audition the Eggleston 'The Nine' speakers but the company does not list dealers on their website. I emailed the company requesting information regarding a dealer in my area but have not received a response (not a good sign in my opinion). Does anyone know if there is a dealer within 50 miles or so of Arlington VA?

Thanks for your help.
The closest dealer to you would be Hendersonville, NC. Call Jim at EW to get further details.

Egg wasn't big on communications, or at least too very timely with their responses in the past. I guess that trend continues.

However if the attempts of calls and corespondance took place during CES times ... well there's the likely explanation.

BTW good luck
Dirk, I ordered my new EW through Walt. His Audiogon username is "Dolfan". I don't remember but I think he is based in North Carolina so pop him an email. He's a great and fair dealer to deal with. Good luck!
The speakers may be good, but the company is awful with communications. Don't return calls/e-mails. Turned me off to them.