Best speakers for 15X14 ft room

I am seeking advise/recommendations from the collective knowlege base on speakers for a 15X14 listening room. I'm moving and can't use my large rear ported speakers in such a small area. The new speakers will need to be say a foot off the back wall. Sealed enclosure better? Front ported better? Mini monitor better? I'm not looking to spend $30K on a set of sealed Magicos but Sphile A/B level is good.

Thanks ahead of time to all who respond
Aesthetix Calypso Signiture Pre Amp
Bryston BDA DAC - fed by a modified Squeezebox
Rowland 501 Monoblocks w/ PC1 DC conversion
Dali Helicon MK2

Listen to everything from Rock, Soul to Sinatra, Some jazz and some classical.
Your question, versus the information supplied is not aligned.
A 14'X15' room is 'tricky' acoustically speaking.
The speaker, while essentel is important is a 'part of the elextronic puzzle' of this kind of question.
To paraphrase many engineers, "Square ain't good"."
Pressures from nearfield cancel others creating a very non linear response. So whatever happens in this room is really more at the result of the accoustic space of the room rather than, 'at the feet' of the equipment.
Having said this, know that with judicious placement of speakers and listeners that many things can become 'magic', if we're prepared for it.ratios of 1X 1.6 X2.5, for example make life easier with regard to reflected sound. But, know this, with work all rooms can be adjusted for 'perfection'.
Call me at home for further advice... 502 618 3158.
Larry, your friend in audio.


I'm curious as to this turns out too.

I'm guessing you've already put the Dahli's in place and didn't like the results?

waht didn't you like?

Tried both walls or are you relagated to only using one? Which?

My vote is for monitors, or mid sized speakers.

Prior to making the switch though, I'd introduce some room treatments to suck up some of that bass , and some diffusers to eliminate some reflections.

Getting new/different speakers is always such a hassle when your rig is already very good or better. usually it takes still more changes than a simple swap out of loudspeakers.