New Kudos X-2's anyone?

Oh my, what a listening session I had tonight, hearing the new Kudos X-2's. Newest speaker from Kudos out of England.
From such a diminuitive size comes such a big sound, and they throw such a big, seamless image. I couldn't get my eyes coordinated with my ears. After a while it didn't matter, the music was so good.
Anyone else hear them yet?
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Where did you here them? Not heard any, but I am interested in Kudos speakers.
Contact Brian at Whetstone Audio in Austin.
They could be the answer for many who have to consider WAF/HAF, closeness to rear wall, taut tuneful bass, ease of movement due to size, and sheer greatness for the money.
Like the rest of you, I get my pompoms out when I really like something, but do yourself a favor if you're looking to spend $2495 ,or either direction of that, and go have a listen.
Take care
Hi Emil, I have a photo, not sure about posting it. As I mentioned to you earlier on pf, the room is quite large, with enormous ceilings. It can be a real speaker killer. However, these diminuitive X2's worked wonderfully well. I'm still in disbelief. We listened anywhere from 19 to 16 inches from the back wall, about 6 to 7 ft apart.
Simply stunning, and fun. Very open, yet detailed. And I first I thought the soundstage height would be too low, but it's not. It seems fine. Everything about them seems fine.