B&W Nautilus 802 or Wilson Audio Witt 1?

Hello friends, I'm from Argentna (here is very difficult to find high-end speakers) and I am between these 2 speakers, you have many experience, which of the 2 think it is better and why? "B&W Nautilus 802" or "Wilson Audio Witt 1"? from already thank you very much and sorry for my English (use the google translator jaja). Greetings!!
To my knowledge, the only reviewer to like the WITT 1's was Martin Collums. It was panned by everyone else.
Hola Abucktwoeighty tuviste oportunidad de escuchar el nautilus 802? cual te parece mejor?, cuanto hace que tenes la witt y que podes decir de ellos?. Muchas gracias
Hello Abucktwoeighty you had opportunity to hear the nautilus 802? which you think better?, how long you got the witt and that you can say about them?. Thank you very much