Tidal Amea Diacera fantastic speakers

I just want to share my impressions with this small bookshelf speakers.
I heard them in hotel room of Moscow HighEnd Show.
And was totally impressed! I never ever heard such greate sound and bass from bookshelf speakers.
The piano was real, voice alive and bass just natural with incredible level of control!!! I never heard such balanced bass even from floorstandings.
Usually bass is not well controlled or just too much.
Electronics was all Tidal and source Continuum Caliburn.
Well, definately this is best room of the show and not any other room come even close to what I heard there.
Really words are not enough to say what I heard.
I'm strongly recommending it for audition!!!
Short of hitting the lottery, I will never be able to afford Tidal speakers but from what I've read, I'd love to hear them one day. ;-)
Someone to whom I trust very much has this speakers and says that it is even better than 3-way Tidals. Of course bass is not as good, but all the rest is perfect!
The only 3-way that Tidal makes is the Contriva and it is offered in four versions. The Contriva Diacera (SE and non-SE versions) is a better speaker than the Amea Diacera (as is the Piano Diacera) due to better cabinetry and better isolation of the crossover components. That being said, I don't think it is an exaggeration to say that the Amea Diacera is the best stand-mounted two-way in the world.
The Piano Diacera (you can adjust it to be 2 way or 2 1/2 way like the Sunray) must be the right model for everyone that is looking for the coherence and the natural tibre of the Sunray but cannot afford it...