How much accoustifill is full?

I have owned a pair of custom made JBL LE15A/Janzens Electrostatics for many years. I have recently had to re do them. I had new power supplies made for the ESL's and am now having the JBL surrounds replaced, The enclosures are custom made 9 cu. ft., infinite baffle sealed enclosures. The tweeters are in the uppper, approx., 1/3 of the cabinet and the JBL's occuby the bottom. Most of the fiberglass damping is crumbling, or gone. Now for my question, how much damping material is correct? Do I fill the enclosure with the Accoustistuff, or just cover the walls of the cabinets. Is the correct amount somewhere in between. Any help you folks can provide will be greatly appreciated.
If you like crisp 'hard slamming bass, use only stapled on the inner sides. If you want a smoother sound, with a better sounding midrange, fill it up loosely.
Ah, thank you. So there is no right or wrong amount. I will experiment.
Good call.