Better 2-channel music

My system consists of the Marantz SR7007, a pair of Emotiva XPA-1 mono blocks, Emotiva XPA-3 for center and surround, Rythmik 15HP sub, Oppo 103, Focal 1000 Be II series front and center, Infinity IL10 surround and back. I listen music from CD and different digital sources and movies from bluray DVD and Netflix, Amazon... My complaint is the Marantz doesn't deliver the quality of 2-channel audio as I expected. My plan is to upgrade either to Emotiva XMC-1 or Marantz AV8802. All suggestions and advices will be greatly appreciated.
Elevick, I have 2 offers from an audio-HT store: The Mac MX121 for $4800 or the Marantz AV8802 for $3200. I can also upgrage to the Marantz AV8801 and either Conrad Johnson ET3se (pair with my current Oppo 103) or Cambridge- Azur 851C (better CD player, not as good as Conrad Johnson preamp). I watch movies from bluray and Netflix and listen to music from all different sources.
I love music with pure sound, yet sound is complicate to me. That why I'm here to take advices and learn especially what high end equipment can improve the quality of sound. Different individuals have different ways of experiencing sound of music. you're right when saying we need to hear to know what we're looking for but not just read the specs of a certain piece of equipment. I think we need both. Learning the spec just like preparing homework, then go to a show room to do the first test, and if impossible, take the piece home and integrate into our own system to see if it fits our need.
I've realized that you and Bob have different views in experiencing the quality of sound, and the differences sometimes go from rich knowledge to subjective emotion that usually influences our judgments as well as reading other's point of view.
Again, I'm here to learn before investing more to improve my system. Therefor, all advices are greatly and truthfully appreciate.
Thank you.
A-What do you feel you are missing with the 7007?
B-What is your tv quality-will you see the difference?
C-Have you compared using the 103 as a transport versus using the 103 to handle all audio/video? What do you like and why?
D-I think that audio, video and features are all a huge upgrade going from the 103 to 105. This is a lot less money of an upgrade than buying a $3500 processor.
You may need to spend so much money. If you feel you are missing something with 2 channel (which may be the case), a nice DAC or the Cambridge 850/1 would be an upgrade. I've played with the 850 a lot and it sounds better than my 105 or Schitt Bifrost in 2 channel. I wouldn't even ad my emotiva into this mix.
"I've realized that you and Bob have different views in experiencing the quality of sound, and the differences sometimes go from rich knowledge to subjective emotion that usually influences our judgments as well as reading other's point of view."

I have no problem with specs. My differences with Bob are not that he does things one way, and I do them another way. All of his listening experience comes from reading articles, and he only picks the specs that he likes to talk about. If you like, I can quote him saying that he does not have to listen to a piece of gear in order to know what it sounds like. Those are his words.

And look at what we have here in this thread. If he is so good with specs and how to apply them, then why wouldn't he address any of the technical matters that I brought up? He refused to acknowledge that you still deal with room acoustics with 2 channel. He talks about Vandersteen but refuses to consider the technical matters I brought up regarding keeping the speakers time and phase correct using his methods.

And lets not forget his crowning achievement.

"06-11-15: Bob_reynolds
I think the standard advice of replacing an AV type of product with an analog preamp is overly simplistic."

Yet you did just that and got excellent results. Every single person that responded to your thread, except Bob, all recommended a similar solution involving removing the AV preamp, and going with something 2 channel. So what's his answer for your success? You imagined it. Really? He now brings psychology in to all this?

"So, Phil's response was entirely predictable. No big deal, it's normal. But, drawing any conclusion from it is foolish.
Bob_reynolds (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)"

If that's not arrogance fueled with stupidity, I don't know what is. He's insulting you. Bob just doesn't want to look like a fool so he'll say anything. He could care less about you or your system. What does he know about Psychology? Nothing. Like everything else, he just guesses. I actually have a degree in Psychology, and I could easily make the case that when you made a change in your system, it really did sound different. Is that so hard to believe.

In the end, Philkoan, I can't fault you for anything. I know you are just trying to keep an open mind. And audio is a learning process. Most of us here has suffered, at one time or another, listening to the Bob's of the audio world. I know from experience. I just get a little emotional when I see people making the exact same mistakes that I did. But that's how we learn, so in the end good will come of it.

I can't agree more. I've been thinking of moving from a receiver to a pre/pro. In this case from SR7007 to AV8801, (not AV8802), and use the price difference to buy the Cambridge Azur 851C, CD player, DAC and stereo preamp. I don't have a sound proof movie theatre, and moving into Dolby Atmos involves replacing and adding 6-8 speakers with cutting hole and wiring in wall. My question to you is that how to connect the Oppo, Cambridge, Marantz, and power amps so I don't have to use some types of switch. T
Thank you elevick.