Recommended Speaker for Triode Amp

I've been living with inefficient Thiel 3.6 speakers for many years now, but now I'm getting a new integrated Triode amplifier rated at 20 watts per channel. I'm not familiar with horn and open baffle speakers, or other inefficient designs and could use some help.

I listen mostly to jazz, female voice, acoustical types, and rock, as opposed to Big Band and orchestral music. I have a fairly small listening room. I do like my bass, so if it's there I want to produce it well.

I've seen some speaker kits and I am handy but don't have a lot of woodworking tools. For example, I would not want to cut those large round speaker holes.

I also don't understand how to match a speakers efficiency to the power output of an amp, or maybe that doesn't matter as long as you can drive the speakers to loud levels.

I do have two goals. The first is to spend between $3K to $6K tops, and the second is to smoke my Theil 3.6 speakers.

Help and recommendations are appreciated.
I'd strongly advise a listen to Devore Fidelity. I am in love with my new pair of Devore Nines.

I went from Thiel 2.3s, having loved them for many years with all sorts of large amplifiers. I was hesitant, somewhat unsure that I would get the extension I had been used to with a speaker that has ports and two small woofers. I was spectacularly wrong.

I'm driving them with a very small Rogue Atlas -- a magnum version with Cardas wiring and operating in triode. It was supposed to be an amp just to get me started on these speakers before I ventured out into small powered exotica. I'm slackjawed at the transparency, range, soundstage, the whole bit.

Crosby's "If I Could Only Remember My Name" and the GD's "Reckoning" are two of my test discs. Both are amazing on the new Devores.
Thanks John, I will check them out!

I have shortened my list for room size (small) and setup which now includes:

1. Daedalus DA-RMa - I've heard that they're better with a higher powered tube amp. Anyone?

2. Legacy Focus

3. Sound Quest H-12 - Very little info on these.

4. Audiokinesis Jazz Modules - Best value???

5. Robert Bastani's Prometheus MKII - Has anyone heard or own these?

6. I will check out the Devore 9.

7. I will contact KCS down the road to see what they can do.

8. I wish I could get the Horning Aristoteles.
I'll second Sonist. Great speakers and works very well with lower powered amps. Concerto 3 is in your price range.

DISCLAIMER--- I am a dealer for Sonist.
Daedalus DA-RMa - I've heard that they're better with a higher powered tube amp. Anyone?
Kenny, if you haven't seen it already you'll want to read through this thread:

Note Lou's comment:
For general taste I would recommend 40 watts per channel or more, but this can vary widely from amp to amp. If possible I'd recommend waiting until you get the speakers to make an amp choice so that you can see how they pair up in your room.
Keep in mind that your 20W amp is only 3db less powerful than a 40W amp, which is not a great deal of difference in terms of subjectively perceived loudness. And given your preference for music that does not have a lot of dynamic range (relative to orchestral music), and your small room size, that may be well within reason.

Best regards,
-- Al
I have the DA-RMa's & now power them with a 10wpc SET amp. My room is 14' x 20' with high cathedral ceilings. They will easily reach 100db at about 1 o'clock on my volume control with no stress or strain.

I absolutely love these spkrs; I've owned Thiel 2.2's, 3.6's, JM Lab Micro Utopia's & Sonus Faber Electa Amator II's-- the DA-RMa's, driven by the SET amp, are by far my favorites! Lots of great spkrs out there, try and listen to as many as you can.

Good luck & happy listening.