Maggie MMG

I heard these at someones office and couldn't believe what I was hearing. I've heard some decent speakers but for the price, holy cow! I swear the stage was as wide as the room and the musicians were right there. I'm considering a pair but here's the deal. I didn't listen for long and it was classical. While I do listen to a bit of classical and most all genres, I'm mostly a rock & roll guy. Do these do well with Rock? I have a decent DefTech sub I can pair them with. I like to crank it up at times as well.
So what do you guys think abuot this? Should I move on or might these do the trick?
Thanks for your input.
buy a pr of Klipsch Heresy's used for $500 and use your sub..They are much better than people think and you can easily improve them by damping the horns or upgrading the crosover
I don't think you can touch the MMG in that price range, but there is a very big caveat; Maggies take a lot of power to drive, and you don't have enough power. That makes them cheap to buy, but fairly expensive to enjoy.

I am not sure that your reciever is rated for a 4 ohm load to begin with, so I am wondering if there is a possiblity that you could not only be underdriving the speaker, but potentially doing a bit of harm to the speakers and reciever.

I would suggest getting a seperate amp and using the Onkyo as a preamp. Maybe an NAD 218thx? If you can find one, it's a v good, inexpensive amp with tons of headroom.

As far as other speakers in that price range, I don't think there are many if any in the same league, but I would look at some excellent Paradigms or a smaller Definitive Technology (BP 7006), those can sound great. The Def Tech has built in subs, tons of slam, and still excellent resolution, very good speakers.

Good luck.
I think the amp can be improved as mentioned but you have to determine whether what you have meets your expectations or not first.

3 feet out from the wall may be ok, I've seen it work, but again you have to experiment and see. A lot depends on the room. I've seen Maggies and planars in general set up and delivering fantastic imaging up to 1/3 or so into the room from the rear wall. Unfortunately placement away from the rear wall also means greater possibility that a sub might be desirable.