Want to replace my Klipsch KG 4.2 - recs please-

I chose the Klipsch KG 4.2 speakers back in the mid 1990's because they had 10 inch drivers and were the only speakers that satisfied me for my rock music tastes (I don't listen to classical, even now) They cost about $650 for the pair back in the day. I'm looking to spend about $1,000 used - maybe PSB or paradigm or something that can still convincingly do rock well. 10 inch drivers preferred since i truly believe you can't change physics, for rock you need these - forward firing preferred with no rear ports. (I already have a 15 inch Definitive subwoofer as well and its barely on and barely perceptible but fills in for the ultra low freq really well) Recs please? Rock and roll people please chime in!
For whatever it's worth my son replaced his 4.5's with the klf-20's. Then went on to the klf-30's which are really too much for his room (although he doesn't think so). That being said you may not need the sub at all with the 20's or 30's and should be in your price range used.
Just noticed the klf series is rear ported
You may being opening up a can of worms here. Klipsch are much more efficient than most brands. Very few speakers out there will play the same volume levels. Can your amp handle the difference. If you like to "rock" then I highly doubt your amp can handle something rated at 3-6db less. Every 3db in efficiency that you go down requires double the power to maintain the same perceived volume.

Also, rear ports, front ports or no ports will make a huge difference on where you place the new speakers.

Get ready, this is a start to a whole new system :-) FUN
06-13-10: Goldenears7
Just out of curiosity, what did you replace your Monitor 7's with? Unfortunately I', limited in size to about 40 inches tall and 12 inches wide. I think I may need to settle for multiple smaller drivers instead of the 10 inch.

Goldenears7,I replaced my Paradigms with Tyler Acoustics 7U's,I got a great deal on them from a fellow A'gon member.The Paradigms and PSBs,in your budget range,have a very similar sound to my ears.Both brands do Rock music very well.I guess since I actually lived with the Paradigms and only heard the PSBs on a few occasions,I'd have to give the nod to the Paradigms.That doesn't mean you will like them,you are the only one that can make that decision!!