Meridian G-08 or ProAc Response TriTower Upgrade

My system was downsized but I'm getting back into the audio arena slowly. I am going to be making a +/- $2500 upgrade and am cosidering the following: Either upgrading my Pioneer Elite PD-65 cd player to a Meridian G-08 cd player...or upgrading from Totem Hawk speakers to ProAc Response TriTower speakers. I have only heard these once before but liked them and always wanted to try in my system ever since. I know the hawks are pretty good though and I am happy with them, but I am using these as a temporary speaker that I can live with for a few years until retirement.I know the front end is very important to upgrade but my Pioneer Elite PD-65 has a updated clock so it is no slouch, but I should probably upgrade this cd player first of all. Any suggestions???

My system is:

Pass Labs XA-30.5 amp
Pass Labs X0.2 preamp
BPT 3.5 Signature Ultra power conditioner
Pioneer Elite PD-65 cd player
Totem Hawk speakers
Audiopath custom silver cables/ic's from Tom Hills at Hudson Audio

Thanks in advance for your input!
As a G08 owner I normally would say go for it. But if there is any way you could demo either or both in YOUR HOME that should help you make the decision. Personally I think your largest investment should be the speakers you really like. You have a great system and you really need to demo ANY possible upgrade in your home. I've learned a world from that.

Good luck with whatever you decide.
I used a PD-65 happily for years. Great player, and mine was stock. Now I use a Pioneer PD-S95 transport and an Audio Note outboard Dac, but I still think that the PD65 was a really musical player. Those ProAcs are really special little towers. I would go with them for now.
My vote is the best speakers you can afford first -- everything else follows - the home audition is priceless if you can arrange it:-)